Our Philosophy 私たちの哲学

SQUADRAは、2012年にスタートしたスポーツ用チームウェアブランドです。私たちは、それ以来、特定の競技にこだわらず、あらゆるチームに対してカスタムオーダーのウェアを提供してきました。それから7年の月日が流れ、万人のためのスポーツウェアを開発したいと思いました。それがSQUADRA ATHLETICです。どのようなシーンでも着こなせる私たちが着たくなるスポーツウェアです。
"SQUADRA" is a sportswear brand we launched in 2012. Since then, we have been producing custom-ordered teamwear for any kinds of sports team. After seven years, we came to have a growing passion to produce sportswear for everyone. This is "SQUADRA ATHLETIC": an activewear brand which fits into all scenes of our everyday life.

Our Promise: Apparel that support you training your mind and body
The world is full of apparel. Then, what we can provide by starting a new activewear brand? Our answer is that we produce clothing wear that not only support you training your body but also support you in your effort to train your mind.

私たちは、「スポーツブランドファクトリー」、つまり 工場を持つブランドオーナーです。ものづくりにおいて、いかにシンプルで、いかに高機能にするかを私たちは追求し続けます。流行に左右されません。ただし、時代に先駆けて イノベーションを起こし続けます。見た目のデザインを超えて、ウェアを着用した時にいかに体がシャープに動くかというような人間工学と、人間のインテグリティを高めるような哲学を探究し続けます。
A design that combines simplicity and functionality
Because we have our own factory, we are able to pursue our ideal activewears in both of simplicity and functionality. We are free from fashion trends, and will always be ahead of time taking initiatives to make innovations. Our goals go beyond how our products look: we will continue our quest in both of ergonomic superiority and human integrity.

Let's work together with us to realize public happiness over generations
Our intention is not to sell more. Therefore, our products may well be out of stock. The modern capitalism put too much weight on selling more, which resulted in causing many problems. Then, how we should live our lives in order to realize public happiness for all people across generations? We hope that we share with you our philosophical quest through "SQUADRA ATHLETIC" products and that we work together to make our future bright and brilliant.